During this class we were asking to go on a journey, stopping in at three different points around the university. We were told to draw whatever we liked using viewfinders and to take rubbings of these on our way using frottage. How we displayed our journey on a piece of paper was up to us entirely. This immediately made me think of Nao’s portrait or Miles from the tv program Work of Art: Next Great Artist. It was a great concept – the dots and lines represent a virtual map/guide of Miles’ actions in the workroom.
Her portrait:


This is what I created:


Next we made a huge compositional and combined collage piece as a class. I huge piece of water was layed on the floor and we were all allowed to add what we liked to it, so long as it related to journeys. I stepped on the paper with my feet and ‘made my mark’ (I actually wrote ‘make your mark’ on the piece later on), I then worked into the footprints with a pen. One girl wrote a passage on it, about her journey, moving from an arabic country to come and live in Cardiff. Another student made his own journey across the paper by reeling out duct tape and pressing it to the paper with his feet.

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